New Jersey Butterfly Club

A chapter of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA)

Upcoming Events

Next Meeting Presentation

Register Here for the April Zoom Meeting.

  • Date & Time: Tuesday, April 2, 2024 – 7:30 PM
  • Topic: Conservation Efforts for two Endangered Butterflies, the Poweshiek Skipperling and Mitchell's Satyr
  • Presented By: David Palnik of the Haddad Lab and Kellogg Biological Station at Michigan State University

What's It About? This presentation will cover some of the conservation efforts occurring at the John Ball Zoo (Michigan) for Poweshiek Skipperling, one of the rarest butterflies in the world, and Mitchell's Satyr. Some topics he will cover will be about population declines, the zoo's captive rearing efforts, and genetic research.

Speaker: David Pavlik is a research assistant in the Haddad Lab at the Kellogg Biological Station at Michigan State University. He has a master's degree in conservation biology from the University of Minnesota where he studied the effects of fire on butterfly occupancy and floral nectar resources in the Sierra Nevada, California. He has been working with endangered butterflies since 2019, first with the St. Francis' Satyr in North Carolina, and now with Poweshiek Skipperling and Mitchell's Satyr in Michigan.

If you missed any of our prior meetings, you can view videos of some of these meetings on our YouTube Page.

Upcoming Field Trips

Our 2023 schedule of field trips has concluded. Please be sure to check back in the spring to see what we have in store for next year.

4th of July Butterfly Counts

No weekend field trips are scheduled for late June and July because many members participate in Fourth of July Counts, which are held on weekends during this period. If you are interested in participating, contact the count leader.

Here are the butterfly counts for 2023.

  • Sandy Hook - June 29, Leader: Henry Kindervatter, (267) 401-2699,
  • Great Swamp - July 1, Leader: Chris Williams, (732) 673-4973,
  • Springdale - July 8, Leaders: Wade and Sharon Wander, (973) 271-0204 or 271-0051,
  • Mercer - July 9, Leader: Jim Springer, (908) 334-3412,
  • Raritan Canal - July 15, Leader: Mike Gochfeld, (732) 233-5864,
  • Bowman's Hill - July 22, Leader: Mary Ann Borge, (609) 397-9684,
  • Duke Farms - July 23, Leader: Mike Gochfeld, (732) 233-5864,


Check out our Latest Newsletter:

NJ Butterfly Club Newsletter